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Pixelmator Pro is an image editor designed to make the most powerful professional image editing tools accessible to everyone. I tried several times to make a jpg white background transparent. After deleting the white bottom layer go to File and Export to PNG.


Pixelmator pro layer transparency free download

Dragging a layer from the Layers sidebar onto the export preview without having created any slices will now create a new slice. On rare occasions, ungrouping a layer group and undoing would cause Pixelmator Pro to quit unexpectedly. In wide color images, using the Repair tool and painting on an empty layer with Sample All Layers on would paint with transparency.


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Working with layers. Pixelmator Pro keyboard shortcuts. Table of Contents. Start by exploring the highlights below. Make your photos stand out Fine-tune your images to perfection using a wide range of tools for adjusting exposure, colors, contrast, and more.

Scrolling the font size field would create undo steps for each intermediate size. Now, undo steps will be created only for the sizes you stop on. After resetting the style of a shape, the next shape will be drawn with the default style. Performance when resizing layers with gradients fills or strokes has been improved.

The progress bar will no longer be shown when using drag and drop to export one slice with one format if an optimized version has already been prepared.

You can now scroll the size fields when using the Arrange tool with more precision. When creating a new document from a layer, the layer will be placed so that any layer styles appear inside the canvas. Object slices from text layers will now be created more accurately. When using the Slice tool, selecting an object slice will now select the associated layer in the Layers sidebar and vice versa. When exporting to SVG, shapes with center stroke outlines would be exported with square joints, instead of the round ones in Pixelmator Pro.

The brush cursor would not update when using a Retouch or Distort tool and changing the brush size in the Touch Bar. When using the Color, Image, and Gradient fill effects, the selected blending mode would not have a checkmark next to it in the blending mode pop-up menu. The brush cursor would flicker when selecting the Paint tool if the size of the brush was different from the size saved in the preset.

The effect handle position of the Focus and Tilt-Shift effects would not update after undoing. If part of a text layer was beyond the canvas, converting it into pixels would sometimes change its position.

The Undo command would temporarily stop working while moving documents between Retina and non-Retina displays. Fixed an issue with reopening documents that contain line text layers wider than the image canvas. When using Wacom graphics tablets to edit gradient color stops, it would be very difficult to change colors. When creating documents in full screen, graphical glitches would appear in the document name in the Pixelmator Pro toolbar. Fixed several related issues with clicking Color and Gradient wells when the Colors window and Gradients palettes were open.

Choosing the Merge Shape Components command on a shape with components that create a completely empty shape would cause Pixelmator Pro to quit unexpectedly. Attempting to export a slice with a very long name would occasionally cause Pixelmator Pro to quit unexpectedly.

On very rare occasions, exporting an image for the web in the PNG format with reduced colors would cause Pixelmator Pro to quit unexpectedly. You can now add alignment guides at exact locations by double-clicking a ruler or Control-clicking and choosing Add Guide.

Command-clicking the thumbnail of a layer or layer mask will now load the outline of the layer as a selection. The Blur radius of the Shadow layer style was twice as large as it should be. Duplicating a text layer with a layer mask would cause Pixelmator Pro to stop responding. Fixed an issue that caused the eyedropper in the Colors window to pick colors slightly incorrectly. Opening Pixelmator Pro documents using the Open With command in Finder would both open the document and leave the Open dialog visible.

On rare occasions, Pixelmator Pro would quit unexpectedly when opening images. Painting on a layer inside a layer group with effects applied to the layer group would cause Pixelmator Pro to quit unexpectedly.

Quitting Pixelmator Pro in the middle of applying an Auto Color Adjustment would cause the app to quit unexpectedly. On rare occasions, brushes from the original Pixelmator would not be imported into Pixelmator Pro. The accuracy of the White Balance, Curves, and Levels color pickers has been improved. Converting speech bubbles with longer tails from shapes into pixels would clip the end of the tails. When changing the size of an image, using Percent as the unit would not be remembered. The New Image window would be slow to open with lots of items or a very large image in the clipboard.

When undoing certain actions, layer thumbnails would occasionally not be updated correctly. When flattening certain effects in the Blur and Tile categories, the new image would shift slightly. Pixelmator Pro was a little slow to open on Mac computers with large font libraries. It was possible to select unsupported image formats with the Image fill effect even though they would not work.

In certain cases, temporarily switching to the Arrange tool while painting would cause the tool to get stuck. In wide color images, using the Repair tool and painting on an empty layer with Sample All Layers on would paint with transparency.

When editing multiple Pixelmator Pro documents and choosing Show Info Bar, Show Guides, and Show Grid in one document, those options in the View menu would not update in the other documents. On rare occasions, painting with Pixelmator Pro for extended periods of time would cause the app to quit unexpectedly.

Clicking the Show Original button when using the Color Adjustments or Effects would sometimes cause Pixelmator Pro to become unresponsive.

Painting on a layer mask with adjustments and effects applied would cause Pixelmator Pro to stop responding. On rare occasions, Pixelmator Pro would stop responding while drawing or editing shapes. Attempting to open unsupported Photoshop documents would cause Pixelmator Pro to quit unexpectedly. Use the beautiful Light Leak effect to easily add a sunny, old school feel to any photo. Apply the stylish Bokeh effect to emulate the look of artistic camera blurs. The new Spin blur effect gives you a quick way to create a circular motion effect.

Create digital noise in your images using the new Noise effect. You can now add, copy, paste, reset, and flatten layer styles from the Format menu. When rotating effect ropes, you can now hold down the Shift key to snap them to 45 degree intervals. Each of the copy, paste, reset, and flatten options are now also available when Control-clicking a layer in the Layers sidebar.

The Arrange tool now has an Auto Select checkbox, letting you turn automatic layer selection on and off. When you Control-click a layer in the Layers sidebar, Convert into Shape and Convert into Pixels will now be available as options. You can now drag images from the Image and Pattern fill effects into the Layers sidebar or a Finder window.

The Touch Bar will now display whether your selected layer is locked or hidden, just like the Tool Options pane does. Imported images with no edits will now be closed without asking for confirmation. Pixelmator Pro will now automatically detect when new fonts have been installed while the app is open and add them to the font list. The properties of smart shapes speech bubbles, arrows will now be scaled correctly when resizing.

The Grain adjustment would sometimes spill over outside of a layer after resizing an image. The interface would sometimes flicker when resetting effects. The effect rope would not work correctly in restored versions of documents. When activating the Color Picker using the Option key, it would sometimes get stuck.

Layer groups in Photoshop documents will now be imported with Constrain Proportions turned on. Opening Photoshop documents with certain layer styles would make Pixelmator Pro quit unexpectedly.

The cursor of the Paint, Erase, and Pixel Paint tools will now be displayed as a crosshair if it is smaller than 2 pt on the screen based on your zoom level. There is now a Guides submenu in the View menu with options to clear and lock persistent guides as well as customize alignment guides.

When applying effects, such as False Color, Clouds, and Checkerboard, which fill areas with color, you can now adjust the opacity of each color in the Colors window. The Invert color adjustment now inverts colors mathematically rather than perceptually, just like the Invert effect does. When using the Crop tool, the cropping box will now be drawn over your entire image, not the area on which you are currently zoomed in.

When opening the Photo Browser, the Photos library would occasionally not load the first time. Fixed an issue with hue-adjusting Hue, Select Color, Color Balance color adjustments applied to layer masks. Fixed an issue with using the Gradient Fill tool on layer masks with blending modes other than Normal. Fixed an issue with applying color adjustments on empty masks — after applying the Invert adjustment, for example, it would not be immediately rendered in the image.

Resetting certain effects, such as Perspective Transform, Pinch, and others, would not redraw the entire image correctly. Dragging and dropping layers with masks from one document into another would not preserve the position of the mask. Fixed an issue with undoing an image size change after selecting and transforming part of an image layer. Undoing an image size change while being fully zoomed out would make it impossible to change the zoom level. Undoing an image size change in documents with text would sometimes break the layout of the text.

When using the Crop tool in images containing areas beyond the canvas, those areas would not be displayed correctly. Writing and deleting text with the Stroke layer style applied would temporarily leave parts of the deleted text in the image.

When performing many repeated actions in a row, thumbnails would not always update immediately. Added a few fixes related to SVG rendering during import and export. Fixed an issue with using the Retouch and Paint tools in large documents that would sometimes cause Pixelmator Pro to quit unexpectedly. Fixed an issue with infinite memory allocation when applying effects to horizontal and vertical line shapes.

Less memory will be used for the undo history of the paint, distort, and retouching tools. Opening the font family and font face pop-up menus in the Type tool would sometimes cause Pixelmator Pro to quit unexpectedly if certain system fonts were disabled. Fixed an issue that would cause Pixelmator Pro to quit unexpectedly while closing a document.

An increadibly fluid painting experience and over hundred handcrafted brushes. Machine learning powers automatic layer naming, horizon detection, and more. Pixelmator Pro includes many more incredible tools and features. The speed of the painting tools has been improved — your first brushstroke should now be much faster.

Crop using your own custom ratios and save custom crop presets. The inner workings of the selection tools have been redesigned, solving lots of issues that would make Pixelmator Pro stop responding. The performance of the color adjustments has been improved — some adjustments should now be up to four times faster. A range of performance improvements speeds up moving layers, zooming, and opening images.

Opening images is now up to 6 times faster in some cases. The Colors histogram now displays colors based on the total size of objects rather than the amount of pure color. Improved selection smoothing when copying and pasting selections. When using the Arrange tool with Auto Select turned off, you needed to drag inside a layer to move it. Now you can also drag outside the active layer to move it.

You can now choose to export images with 8-bit or bit color depth. When saving an image while applying color adjustments to an active selection, the adjustments would be discarded. Selections with transparent areas would sometimes be shifted when copying and pasting.

Layers would sometimes move slightly when selecting them using the Arrange, Text, or Shape tools. Using the Style and other tools, it was possible to select hidden layers by clicking in the image.

Now, you should only be able to select them in the Layers view. Converting the bit depth of an image would not always work reliably. Changing the color profile of an image would sometimes not work. Undoing changes after resizing text layers would sometimes not work.

The Constrain Proportions option would sometimes be deselected for layers when saving a Pixelmator Pro document. The compression option would be ignored when exporting bit TIFF images. Horizontal lines would sometimes appear on Mac computers with Radeon graphics cards. When exporting to JPEG, there was an option to save with bit color depth. JPEG does not support that, so that option has been removed. Pixelmator Pro would sometimes quit unexpectedly when closing documents. When resetting all brush collections to default, these would sometimes not be updated in all files.

When combining a large number of vector shapes, these would sometimes be merged incorrectly. Layers would sometimes become blurry when flipping them vertically or horizontally after increasing their size.

Several fixes for painting on layer masks and undoing changes after editing layer masks. The colors of objects copied from images in one color space to images in another were managed incorrectly. The Color Fill and Gradient Fill tools would not fill precise colors when an image was assigned a different color space. Fill layer styles with transparent color stops were not being blended correctly with layers.

Pixelmator Pro would sometimes quit unexpectedly when applying gradients to an empty layer. Moving a selection outside the canvas would sometimes cause Pixelmator Pro to quit expectedly. Converting a text layer into pixels would sometimes cause Pixelmator Pro to quit unexpectedly. When attempting to select a layer with an empty layer mask, the wrong layer would sometimes be selected.

Pixelmator Pro would sometimes quit unexpectedly when painting on a resized layer. Fixed an issue that prevented using units other than pixels when changing canvas size. Pressing the Command-A keyboard shortcut will now select text in text fields and dialogs if they are active, instead of the entire canvas.

Pixelmator Pro would sometimes quit unexpectedly when removing a layer while editing effects applied to it. Fixed an issue that caused Pixelmator Pro to quit unexpectedly when selecting brush presets. If the stroke layer style failed to appear when selected, Pixelmator Pro would sometimes quit unexpectedly.

Using the Color Fill tool on an empty layer with preserve transparency enabled would cause Pixelmator Pro to quit unexpectedly. Fixed several related issues that would cause Pixelmator Pro to stop responding while painting. The last used Layers view will now be used for all new images. You can now press the Space bar to use the Hand tool while making selections with Free, Polygonal, and Magnetic Selection tools.

The Unite, Subtract, Intersect, and Exclude buttons for editing vector shapes are now available when using the Arrange tool. You can now press Command-Option-A to select all the layers in an image. The performance of the painting tools has been improved.

Brushes like Varnish should now be much faster, more improvements are also coming. Canvas Size will now work with negative values when Relative is selected. When exporting presets using the preset shortcut menu, only a single preset will be exported. The Color Fill tool color picker will now be canceled if you press the Escape key. Fixed an issue that caused Pixelmator Pro to stop responding when resizing the canvas with an active selection.

The Grid will now be displayed correctly with all PPI settings. The template chooser will now show template details by default. Your scanned images will now be imported once a scan has been completed. When you drag and drop a layer to add it your image, it will now be added above your selected layer and not at the top of the layer stack. The option in Pixelmator Pro preferences for importing images or opening in the native format is now much more descriptive. Fixed a number of cases that would make Pixelmator Pro stop responding when using the painting tools.

Graphical artifacts would sometimes appear after repairing with the Repair tool. When reverting to an earlier version of your image, the background color would sometimes be incorrect. The horizontal edges of objects would snap to the grid incorrectly. When flipping an object, its position will now be preserved more accurately. Pixelmator Pro would sometimes stop responding when changing the color of a text layer.

Pixelmator Pro would sometimes stop responding when quickly switching to and from the Crop tool. Pixelmator Pro would sometimes stop responding when resetting a selection.

Several related fixes make Pixelmator Pro less likely to quit unexpectedly. The Type tool will now be highlighted when a text layer is selected. If no text is selected, clicking a text preset will now add a new text layer with the preset style applied. Drag shapes from the Layers view to the Shapes palette to save them to your collection. The selection tools will now be highlighted if there is an active selection. A number of performance improvements make the selection tools faster and more reliable.

You can now copy, cut, paste, and duplicate the components inside shapes. The Color Selection tool now works on layers with color adjustments. You can now hold down the Space bar to move selections while using the Rectangular and Elliptical selection tools. When exporting to JPEG, the more common.

Pressing Command-I now toggles the Invert adjustment, instead of simply applying it. Dotted strokes now appear as they do in the original Pixelmator, improving compatibility with PXM files. When changing image and canvas size, guides would be repositioned incorrectly. Certain fonts with high baselines would be clipped to the boundaries of text boxes. Fixed an issue that would sometimes make it impossible to change the font of certain text layers.

Applying a gradient to the layer mask of a text layer would only work at the second attempt. Copying a text layer and pasting it inside another text layer would include unnecessary text.

RAW layers imported via drag and drop would sometimes have incorrect layer handles. Fixed an issue that would cause imported layers with transparent areas to be displayed incorrectly. When using the Paint tool in images with advanced color profiles, the colors in the Colors window would not match up with colors in the image. Painting on an empty layer and moving a section of it would change the color of the painted areas. The position of gradient fills would shift after converting text into a shape.

Trimming the canvas according to the color of the top left and bottom right pixels now works correctly. Undo steps would sometimes disappear when creating selections. The Color Fill pop-up menu now correctly shows the selected blending mode. Occasionally, it would not be possible to save images if the Image fill effect was applied. The fills of resized shapes will now be preserved more accurately. When using the Fill layer style on very small layers, the fill would sometimes disappear.

Several improvements fix flickering and positioning issues when editing shapes. The canvas would sometimes jump after resetting changes made with the Crop tool. Learn more. The Layers sidebar has been redesigned with a fresh new look and a range of usability improvements. Nondestructively change the look of entire layered compositions more quickly and easily than ever. Over new artist-designed vector shapes in categories like science, activities, and symbols.

Thanks to optimizations for M1 Ultra, machine learning-powered features are blazingly fast on new Mac Studio devices. What’s new in Pixelmator Pro. Many of the most important adjustments can be applied automatically, using a machine learning algorithm trained on 20 million photos. For further information, visit the Pixelmator blog. Sporting a one-window interface and powerful pro-level features, Pixelmator Pro is built for everyone and not just image-editing experts.

Sample All Layers makes the Smart Erase tool take into account every layer in your composition. With Smooth Edges turned on, the edges of the erased areas are smoothed to make the object blend in more naturally in other images.

Leave this option on. Opacity Adjusts the transparency of the Smart Erase tool.

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